Feature: Improved GLTF Importer

Status: Released in the current beta version


This feature has now been merged into the beta release

What does it do?

The current GLTF import in Open Brush fails to open many valid GLTF files. This feature build replaces it with a much more up to date library GLTFast

What's it good for?

Importing a wide range of GLTF files into Open Brush including animated models.

How do I install it?

Download a build for your headset from the link above and unzip it. You can run the Windows exe directly. To install the Quest apk use SideQuest: https://uploadvr.com/sideloading-quest-how-to/

How do I use it?

Just import gltf models as you normally would.

Known Issues

  • When you load a sketch containing GLTF models, the models do not appear. The workaround is to open the sketch a second time.

  • Some models are improperly sized in the 3D model panel and obscure other models.

  • There's no way to control the animation for animated models and selecting them can sometimes be tricky.

How do I get help

Come over to the Open Brush Discord and chat to me ( @andybak#5425 ). I'm on UK time (currently UTC+1) but I check in fairly regularly.

Can I see it in action?

Not yet.

Last updated