Importing Images, Videos and 3D Models

eIf you want to see an image or 3D model while you paint in Open Brush, you can add it to your scene. You can move, change, or delete reference images.

  1. Make sure you are in Advanced Mode.

  2. Below your palette, go to the Menu panel and select "More Options...".

  3. On your paint palette, swipe to the Tools panel and select More.

  4. Select Labs to open the Labs Panel

Click this icon to open the Media Library:

Add a reference image

  1. On a computer, copy a PNG or JPG file to Documents/Open Brush/Media Library/Images.

  2. In Open Brush, make sure you are in Advanced Mode.

  3. Go to the Menu panel (below your palette) and select "More Options..." > Labs > Local Media Library > Local Images.

  4. Switch between selecting images and models using the icons in the top left.

Add a 3D model

  1. On a computer, copy the model files to Documents/Open Brush/Media Library/Models.

  2. In Open Brush, make sure you are in Advanced Mode. On the Quest you also need to switch Experimental Mode on in the settings.

  3. Go to the Menu panel (below your palette) and select "More Options..." > Labs > Local Media Library > Local Models.

  4. Switch between selecting images and models using the icons in the top left.

  5. See "Supported Formats" below to see which file types you can use.

Supported File Formats






SVGs are rasterized on import.




See notes below.


See notes below.


See notes below.


See notes below. Must use VP8 codec. Supports transparency on Windows only.

3d Models



PC/Mac only.


PC/Mac only.


PC/Mac only. Support is rather outdated and experimental


Point clouds only. Binary little-endian format.

Interacting with Imported Objects

Move an image or model: Position your controller on the image, press and hold a grip button on the side of your controller. Then, drag the image to the new location and release the grip button.

Resize an image or model: With your controllers near the image, press and hold both grip buttons. Then, move the controllers farther apart or closer together.

Pin an image or model: While holding your selection with the grip, pull the trigger to pin. Alternatively, you can use the Pin tool to pin images, models, or guides.

Remove an image or model: With your controller near the reference image, press and hold a grip button. Then, flick the controller away from your body and release the grip button.

Enabling the new GLTF importer

We have an alternative version of GLB export which can have some advantages over the importer we released in v2.4.

To switch to the new importer (UnityGLTF which replaces GLTFast added in the v2.4 release) you need to edit your Open Brush config file and add this entry after "Flags":

"Import": {
    "UseUnityGltf": true

Last updated