1. Better docs on using with 3rd party platform SDKs like AltSpace, VR Chat, Mona etc

  2. Better docs on SDK/Toolkit especially with regard to Unity 2020 and URP/HDRP

  3. Better docs on importing to Blender etc

  4. Improve docs on video generally.

  5. 3d model import needs a lot of work explaining the pitfalls - although fixing the importer would also solve this!

  6. Make it clear in the docs when a feature is PC only. Especially stuff here

  7. Missing docs on new features here and here

  8. Investigate limits to model import complexity and document them

  9. Document "Simplification" and check for other missing settings docs

  10. Add a "Case Studies" page

  11. user-guide/monoscopic-mode page - better download links ( use )

  12. Add docs for spectator camera (should be on the Labs page. If it's mentioned anywhere else I didn't find it)

  13. Document differences between Quest and PC versions

  14. Clarify Quest standalone vs Quest + Link

  15. Document Mixed Reality capture: vs Liv vs Mixcast

  16. Document the Labs/camera button (which seems to be mobile only)

  17. Settings

  18. 2.0 new features (maybe check if we missed anything in earlier release also)

  19. Update info on "Sharing" page to be clear about Quest differences. Document how to access sketches on the Quest.

Last updated