Get Involved!

Artists, Bloggers, Content Creators and anyone

  • Post your work on social media and make sure to name check us to spread awareness.

  • Join the Discord or other Open Brush related groups. Give feedback to help us prioritize. support other users who need help.

  • Tell people about Open Brush in places where digital artists already hang-out and let them know what we're up to.

  • Contribute to the docs - send in corrections or improvements or fill in any gaps you find. (We have a TODO list just for the docs)

  • Create tutorials or guides. Show people the techniques you've developed or tricks you've discovered.

  • Help us improve and document workflows to other content creation apps. Share your experiences and pain points.

  • Try out the beta version or one of the experimental builds and share bugs you find or any other feedback.

Unity/C# Developers

  • Download the repo and read the developer notes and start tinkering.

  • Create your own fork, add a feature, fix a bug and send us a pull request.

  • Help improve to developer docs or create a developer tutorial

Other Devs: Javascript/Processing/Python/anything

  • Check out the API and make something cool with it

  • Create a wrapper library or other integration to automate or add features via the API

  • Tell people about our API or suggest new use-cases or features

  • Create tutorials or live stream yourself using the API to do stuff nobody else is doing.

UX/UI Designers

  • Suggest improvements to the app itself or help us plan new features.

  • Help out on the main website or the docs

  • If you know a little scripting then prototype something using the API. Or partner with a dev to make an innovative add-on tool.

Teachers, Academics, Researchers in any field

  • Open Brush is fully open source. That makes us unique among creative VR apps - you can change how Open Brush works and tailor it to fit specific niche purposes.

  • Open Brush is also a brilliant place for students to learn what it's like to contribute to a real-world open source project. Any of the roles mentioned elsewhere on this page could be valuable experience for students across a range of disciplines

  • Use Open Brush as part of your teaching or research and then share/publish your findings.

  • Come and talk to us. Either email or via the Discord. Let us know your ideas about using Open Brush in new ways.

Media, PR or Marketing people

  • We suck at marketing. We need help telling the world how great we are. Write about us or help us write about us!

  • Can you believe there's people who don't know we're completely open source and volunteer-run?

  • And they don't know about all the cool stuff we've been doing. Help us get the word out.


Enough funding for a couple of full-time staff would make a vast difference. That's small change to you, right? :-)

Last updated