Exporting to Unreal Engine 5
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How to Import OpenBrush FBX files & edit Materials to appear correctly
This example uses models that are best viewed without lighting. In UE5's scene view, change the scene lighting to "UNLIT" (top left of window).
Drag the FBX from Windows Explorer into the UE5 scene
An FBX Import Option menu will come up:
Make sure to select: Advanced > Vertex Color Import Option [REPLACE]
Upon importing the FBX, the Content Drawer will include the meshes and materials
Create a subfolder for MATERIALS and TEXTURES
Select the imported materials, drag and drop them into the newly created MATERIALS folder
The materials are pretty terribly named. I highly recommend renaming them. The brush material names are at the end of the filename:
From Windows Explorer, drag optimized PNG brush textures into the UE5 TEXTURES folder:
From the CONTENT DRAWER, drag and drop the meshes into the scene. I recommend creating a folder in the OUTLINER window and drag all the mesh objects into there:
Selecting all the model mesh objects, it may help to update these DETAILS:
Location: 0,0,0 Scale: 0.5,0.5,0.5
I also recommend turning off visibility of all the other non-mesh objects in the OUTLINER tab (e.g. Atmospheric Fog, Floor, etc.)
Edit Vertex Colors to Materials that only need Vertex Colors:
Material Name
NODE: Vertex Color
NODE: Texture Sample
Material Details
Blend Mode: MASKED ☑ Two Sided
Blend Mode: MASKED ☑ Two Sided
Blend Mode: MASKED ☑ Two Sided
Blend Mode: MASKED ☑ Two Sided
In CONTENT DRAWER > MATERIALS, double click the "Flat" material file. The Material Graph window will popup
Right click on the empty grid, type in VERTEX COLOR to add the node
Connect the top white dot to BASE COLOR in the "FLAT" window.
Click on "FLAT" so you can see its DETAILS on the left menu
Update: BLEND MODE - MASKED Two Sided - [checked]​
That's it! Be sure to save these edits or CTRL + S. The edits won't show up on the main scene window until these Material changes are saved.
Repeat for the other three materials listed above that only need Vertex Colors associated to the materials.
Edit Materials that need Vertex Colors and Texture Sample:
Material Name
NODE: Vertex Color
NODE: Texture Sample
Material Details
✓ RGBA connects to Opacity Mask
Blend Mode: MASKED ☑ Two Sided
✓ RGBA connects to Opacity Mask
Blend Mode: MASKED ☑ Two Sided
✓ RGBA connects to Opacity Mask
Blend Mode: MASKED ☑ Two Sided
✓ RGBA connects to Opacity Mask
Blend Mode: MASKED ☑ Two Sided
✓ RGBA connects to Opacity Mask
Blend Mode: MASKED ☑ Two Sided
Do the same steps above to add VERTEX COLOR to the BASE COLOR
Do the same steps above to update the Material Details to (same as before): BLEND MODE - MASKED Two Sided - [checked]
Right click the empty grid space and type in TEXTURE SAMPLE to bring up a node where you'll associate the texture png files
Click on the TEXTURE SAMPLE node window so you can edit the DETAILS
In the section for "Material Expression Texture Base" click on the dropdown to select the texture name that matches with the material name.
NOTE: The DoubleTaperedMarker material can use the "Marker" texture
Connect the TEXTURE SAMPLE node's "RGBA" dot to the Material's "Opacity Mask" dot
REPEAT for the other materials with same properties
Edit Materials that need Vertex Colors, Texture Sample, and Transparency:
Material Name
NODE: Vertex Color
NODE: Texture Sample
Material Details
✓ RGBA connects to Opacity
Blend Mode: ADDITIVE ☑ Two Sided
✓ RGBA connects to Opacity
Blend Mode: ADDITIVE ☑ Two Sided
✓ RGBA connects to Opacity
Blend Mode: ADDITIVE ☑ Two Sided
Do the same steps above to add VERTEX COLOR to the BASE COLOR
Update the Material Details: BLEND MODE - ADDITIVE Two Sided - [checked] "Additive" will allow these brushes to appear semi-transparent, foggy, smokey.
Do the same steps as above to associate textures to TEXTURE SAMPLE node
Connect the TEXTURE SAMPLE node's "RGBA" dot to the Material's "Opacity" [not Opacity Mask as previous materials]
REPEAT for the other materials with same properties
Make sure to save all of your Material window edits!
Make sure to view this in "unlit" mode.
Also hide the Light Source, etc to prevent any shadows from showing up in the scene.
Reward yourself with ice cream.
Docs contributed by Estella Tse. Additional thanks to Steve Bowler