API Commands List

API Docs

To run commands just send a request to this url with http://localhost:40074/api/v1?

Commands are query string parameters. Like this: command.name=parameters

Separate multiple commands with: &

Example: http://localhost:40074/api/v1?brush.turn.y=45&brush.draw=1

If you want to send a lot of commands or especially long commands (complex paths etc) then you can just http POST instead of GET. The commands should be form-encoded in the body of the request (exactly as if you submitted a html form with the form name as the command name and the form value as the command parameters)

You can also send multiple requests although because of the nature of http, these can sometimes arrive in a different order to how yousent them. We will soon support websockets which should be a better way to send realtime streams of commands.

Command List

draw.paths (string jsonString) Try it

Draws a series of paths at the current brush position [[[x1,y1,z1],[x2,y2,z2], etc...]]. Does not move the brush position

draw.path (string jsonString) Try it

Draws a path at the current brush position [[x1,y1,z1],[x2,y2,z2], etc...]. Does not move the brush position

draw.polygon (int sides, float radius, float angle) Try it

Draws a polygon at the current brush position. Does not move the brush position

showfolder.scripts Try it

Opens the user's Scripts folder on the desktop

showfolder.exports Try it

Opens the user's Exports folder on the desktop

draw.text (string text) Try it

Draws the characters supplied at the current brush position

draw.svg (string svgPathString) Try it

Draws the path supplied as an SVG Path string at the current brush position

brush.type (string brushType) Try it

Changes the brush. brushType can either be the brush name or it's guid. brushes are listed in the localhost:40074/help screen

color.add.hsv (Vector3 hsv) Try it

Adds the supplied values to the current color. Values are hue, saturation and value

color.add.rgb (Vector3 rgb) Try it

Adds the supplied values to the current color. Values are red green and blue

color.set.rgb (Vector3 rgb) Try it

Sets the current color. Values are hue, saturation and value

color.set.hsv (Vector3 hsv) Try it

Sets the current color. Values are red, green and blue

color.set.html (string color) Try it

Sets the current color. colorString can either be a hex value or a css color name.

brush.size.set (float size) Try it

Sets the current brush size

brush.size.add (float amount) Try it

Changes the current brush size by 'amount'

camera.move.to (Vector3 position) Try it

Moves the spectator or non-VR camera to the given position

camera.move.by (Vector3 amount) Try it

Moves the spectator or non-VR camera by the given amount

camera.turn.y (float angle) Try it

Turns the spectator or non-VR camera left or right.

camera.turn.x (float angle) Try it

Changes the angle of the spectator or non-VR camera up or down.

camera.turn.z (float angle) Try it

Tilts the angle of the spectator or non-VR camera clockwise or anticlockwise.

camera.lookat (Vector3 direction) Try it

Points the spectator or non-VR camera to look in the specified direction. Angles are given in x,y,z degrees

brush.move.to (Vector3 position) Try it

Moves the brush to the given coordinates

brush.move.by (Vector3 offset) Try it

Moves the brush by the given amount

brush.move (float distance) Try it

Moves the brush forward by 'distance' without drawing a line

brush.draw (float distance) Try it

Moves the brush forward by 'distance' and draws a line

brush.turn.y (float angle) Try it

Changes the brush direction to the left or right. Angle is measured in degrees

brush.turn.x (float angle) Try it

Changes the brush direction up or down. Angle is measured in degrees

brush.turn.z (float angle) Try it

Rotates the brush clockwise or anticlockwise. Angle is measured in degrees

brush.lookat (Vector3 direction) Try it

Changes the brush direction to look at the specified point

brush.look.forwards Try it

Changes the brush direction to look forwards

brush.look.up Try it

Changes the brush direction to look upwards

brush.look.down Try it

Changes the brush direction to look downwards

brush.look.left Try it

Changes the brush direction to look to the left

brush.look.right Try it

Changes the brush direction to look to the right

brush.look.backwards Try it

Changes the brush direction to look backwards

brush.home Try it

Resets the brush position and direction

brush.home.set Try it

Sets the current brush position and direction as the new home

brush.transform.push Try it

Stores the current brush position and direction on to a stack

brush.transform.pop Try it

Pops the most recent current brush position and direction from the stack

debug.brush Try it

Logs some info about the brush

stroke.delete (int index) Try it

Delete strokes by their index. If index is 0 the most recent stroke is deleted. -1 etc steps back in time

stroke.select (int index) Try it

Selects a stroke by it's index. 0 is the most recent stroke, -1 is second to last, 1 is the first.

strokes.select (int start, int end) Try it

Select multiple strokes by their index. 0 is the most recent stroke, -1 is second to last, 1 is the first.

selection.recolor Try it

Recolors the currently selected strokes

selection.rebrush Try it

Rebrushes the currently selected strokes

selection.resize Try it

Changes the brush size the currently selected strokes

selection.trim (int count) Try it

Removes a number of points from the currently selected strokes

selection.points.addnoise (string axis, Vector3 scale) Try it

Moves the position of all control points in the selection using a noise function

selection.points.quantize (Vector3 grid) Try it

Snaps all the points in selected strokes to a grid (buggy)

stroke.join Try it

Joins a stroke with the previous one

strokes.join (int start, int end) Try it

Joins all strokes between the two indices (inclusive)

stroke.add (int index) Try it

Adds a point at the current brush position to the specified stroke

tool.sketchsurface Try it

Activates the SketchSurface

tool.selection Try it

Activates the Selection Tool

tool.colorpicker Try it

Activates the Color Picker

tool.brushpicker Try it

Activates the Brush Picker

tool.brushandcolorpicker Try it

Activates the Brush And Color Picker

tool.sketchorigin Try it

Activates the SketchOrigin Tool

tool.autogif Try it

Activates the AutoGif Tool

tool.canvas Try it

Activates the Canvas Tool

tool.transform Try it

Activates the Transform Tool

tool.stamp Try it

Activates the Stamp Tool

tool.freepaint Try it

Activates the FreePaint Tool

tool.eraser Try it

Activates the Eraser Tool

tool.screenshot Try it

Activates the Screenshot Tool

tool.dropper Try it

Activates the Dropper Tool

tool.saveicon Try it

Activates the SaveIcon Tool

tool.threedofviewing Try it

Activates the ThreeDofViewing Tool

tool.multicam Try it

Activates the MultiCam Tool

tool.teleport Try it

Activates the Teleport Tool

tool.repaint Try it

Activates the Repaint Tool

tool.recolor Try it

Activates the Recolor Tool

tool.rebrush Try it

Activates the Rebrush Tool

tool.pin Try it

Activates the Pin Tool

tool.camerapath Try it

Activates the CameraPath Tool

tool.fly Try it

Activates the Fly Tool

save.overwrite Try it

Save the current scene overwriting the last save if it exists

save Try it

Saves the current scene in a new slot

export.all Try it

Exports all the scenes in the users's sketch folder

drafting.visible Try it

Shows all strokes made with the drafting brush fully opaque

drafting.transparent Try it

Shows all strokes made with the drafting brush semi-transparent

drafting.hidden Try it

Hides all strokes made with the drafting brush

load.user (int slot) Try it

Loads the sketch in the given slot number from the user's sketch folder

load.curated (int slot) Try it

Loads the sketch in the given slot number from the curated sketch list

load.liked (int slot) Try it

Loads the sketch in the given slot number from the user's liked sketches

load.drive (int slot) Try it

Loads the sketch in the given slot number from the user's Google Drive

load.named (string filename) Try it

Loads the sketch with the given name from the user's sketch folder

new Try it

Clears the current sketch

symmetry.mirror Try it

Sets the symmetry mode to 'mirror'

symmetry.doublemirror Try it

Sets the symmetry mode to 'double mirror'

straightedge.toggle Try it

Toggles the straight edge tool on or off

autoorient.toggle Try it

Toggles autoorientate on or off

undo Try it

Undoes the last action

redo Try it

Redo the last action

panels.reset Try it

Reset the position of all panels

sketch.origin Try it

Enables the sketch origin tool

viewonly.toggle Try it

Toggles 'view only' mode on or off

dropcam.toggle Try it

Toggles the Drop Cam widget on or off

autosimplify.toggle Try it

Toggles 'auto-simplify' mode on or off

export Try it

Exports the current sketch to the user's Exports folder

showfolder.sketch (int index) Try it

Opens the user's Sketches folder on the desktop

stencils.disabled Try it

Disables all stencils

disco Try it

Starts a party

selection.duplicate Try it

Create a duplicate of the current selection

selection.group Try it

Groups the current selection

export.selected Try it

Exports the selected strokes to the user's Media Library

camerapath.render Try it

Renders the current camera path to a video

profiling.toggle Try it

Toggles profiling mode on or off

settings.toggle Try it

Toggles the settings panel on or off

mirror.summon Try it

Summons the mirror origin to the user's position

selection.invert Try it

Inverts the current selection

select.all Try it

Selects all strokes and widgets in the scene

selection.flip Try it

Mirrors the current selection

postprocessing.toggle Try it

Toggles post-processing effects on or off

watermark.toggle Try it

Toggles the watermark on or off

camerapath.togglevisuals Try it

Toggles the camera path visuals on or off

camerapath.togglepreview Try it

Toggles the camera path preview on or off

camerapath.delete Try it

Deletes the current camera path

camerapath.record Try it

Starts recording a camera path

Last updated