Painting with Open Brush
Paint with Open Brush
On your painting controller, use your index finger to pull the trigger.
Hold the trigger down and move the controller to paint.
Note: You can switch which hand is your painting controller and which is your palette controller by tapping the bottoms of the two controllers together. This is great to use if a right and left handed person are sharing controllers.
Using the palette
On your palette controller, use your thumb to swipe left or right across the thumbpad (HTC Vive) or thumbstick (Oculus Rift and Windows Mixed Reality).
This will allow you to rotate between the three faces of the palette.
Using your painting controller, angle your controller towards the palette in order to select items on the palette.
Focus the pointer and press trigger to make selections.
You can also use the grips on your painting controller to grab panels spawned into the world, and place them onto your palette.
Change the width of your brush strokes
To change the width of your brush strokes:
On your painting controller, slide your thumb left or right along the thumbpad (HTC Vive) or toggle the thumbstick left or right (Oculus Rift and Windows Mixed Reality).
Sliding or toggling left will make the brush stroke finer. Sliding or toggling right will make the brush stroke larger.
Undo & Redo shortcuts
If you would like to undo or redo brush strokes you have just made, you can use Undo and Redo in the Tools Panel (in Beginner Mode) or these shortcuts (in Beginner or Advanced Mode):
To undo an action:
HTC Vive: On the palette controller, click the left side of the thumbpad.
Oculus Rift: On the palette controller, click the X button (right handed) or A button (left handed).
Windows Mixed Reality: On the palette controller, click the left side of the thumbpad.
To redo an action:
HTC Vive: On the palette controller, click the right side of the thumbpad.
Oculus Rift: On the palette controller, click the Y button (right handed) or B button (left handed).
Windows Mixed Reality: On the palette controller, click the right side of the thumbpad.
To quickly undo or redo, press and hold the controller button specified above.
Rotate & Resize your sketch
To scale, rotate, or move your sketch, you can hold down both of the grip buttons on the sides of your controllers to grab the sketch. Then, move your hands to shrink, enlarge, or spin the sketch.
Last updated